Will metranidazole tablets affect my breastfeeding baby?

Dear doctor; My daughter who is breastfeeding is concerned the medication she has been given could harm the baby who is two-weeks-old. Her tablets are Cephalexin and Metronidazole.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Dear doctor;

My daughter who is breastfeeding is concerned the medication she has been given could harm the baby who is two-weeks-old. Her tablets are Cephalexin and Metronidazole.


Dear Lucy,

You have not specified as for what problem, your daughter has been prescribed cephalexin and metronidazole.

Use of Cephalexin is safe during breastfeeding as documented by studies as well as clinical observations. It is secreted in breast milk but in an amount  which is safe for babies. But metronidazole is not safe. Well documented adverse effects on the unborn babies, proven carcinogenicity in animal studies have raised concern over its use in pregnant and lactating women. If possible, an alternate safe drug can be given to your daughter for her problem. If at all necessary, metronidazole should be given for a short course, just about five to seven days.