Why doesn’t my baby drink water?

Dear doctor; I started my seven-month-old son on solids a couple of months ago. He loves eating food and wants to eat everything that I provide. However, he now refuses to drink anything at all from a bottle or toddler cup. Luckily, he still drinks from the breast a few times a day, but I’m worried that this isn’t enough. How should I help him get into drinking fluids?

Monday, July 07, 2014

Dear doctor;

I started my seven-month-old son on solids a couple of months ago. He loves eating food and wants to eat everything that I provide. However, he now refuses to drink anything at all from a bottle or toddler cup. Luckily, he still drinks from the breast a few times a day, but I’m worried that this isn’t enough. How should I help him get into drinking fluids?

Winnie N.

Dear Winnie,

A growing toddler needs about 500ml or so of fluids every day. Many foods like milk, yoghurt, fruits, vegetables, among others also contain water, which may curb his thirst. Otherwise, if he would have been taking inadequate fluids, he would be slightly dehydrated with dry lips and irritable. If he is happy and playful there is no cause for concern. Continue to offer him fluids as before. As he grows older and becomes more active physically, his requirement of liquids will also increase. 

Spontaneously he will start taking more fluids. Just make sure to give him more water, fresh fruits juices and natural liquid products than bottled processed juices and sodas, because fresh fluids are more healthy.