We should believe in ourselves

Editor, Impressive and well thought out. I am a radical scientist and academician but one of the challenges I have found among my peers is lack of self belief. There is this inertia among many scholars that they cannot do great works.

Sunday, July 06, 2014


Impressive and well thought out. I am a radical scientist and academician but one of the challenges I have found among my peers is lack of self belief. There is this inertia among many scholars that they cannot do great works.

In his book "Science - A history”, John Gribbin relates that "until Western scholars came to a point when they no longer viewed the works of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, etc as works of immortals; they were far from the industrial revolution”.

The revolution only came when they believed in themselves. As President Paul Kagame reiterated, we African youth have to change our mindset for the sake of liberating this continent.

Wayengera, Kampala,Uganda

Reaction to the story, "Mindset change is the next liberation front, Kagame tells African youth” (The New Times, July 3)