When miracles made our day

What has happened over the last 20 years in Rwanda has been simply mind-boggling. Rwanda has risen from the ashes and the development is there for everyone to admire. 

Saturday, July 05, 2014

What has happened over the last 20 years in Rwanda has been simply mind-boggling. Rwanda has risen from the ashes and the development is there for everyone to admire. 

Even the critics have failed to find the right words to describe how the Rwandan leadership has shaped the country. Some faithful believers in different sects tend to refer to this as a miracle. It really is something of a miracle!

Talking of the word "Miracle”, this reminds me of a wedding ceremony that I attended during the 90s. It was a wedding that produced a miracle indeed! The wedding couple was totally Christian. That is to say that they were born again—saved people who had declared that no alcohol would be allowed at the reception.

Instead, only sodas and water would be served. That meant that Aggrey and I were not going to taste our usual favorite Amstel beers!

But what we never knew at that time was that the bridegroom and best man were serious fans of Amstels and hot spirits. Since they were supposed to be born again, they were always obliged to hide their secret love for the hot stuff. 

Anyways, the wedding reception was already in high gear as both the bride and bridegroom took their seats at the high table. The number of soda bottles spread all over the high table could have invited a swarm of bees in search of nectar. Occasionally, the best man plucked out a handkerchief to wipe the bridegroom’s sweaty face. They seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their sodas, as they gulped bottle after bottle.

As the speeches progressed, it was clear that both bridegroom and best man were getting heated up. At one point, the best man sprung out of his seat and gave out a long hand clap to applaud one of the speakers. He had not realized that he was the only one performing a standing ovation. Guests looked on in bewilderment as the best man struggled to find his seat. With his hand shaking, he picked his glass of coca cola and took another major swig!

It was when the best man burst out into an uncontrollable prolonged laughter, that a few people swiftly smuggled him away from the high table. After a careful inspection of the soda bottles, the real truth was revealed. The sodas had turned themselves into wine! What a miracle! Thanks to a number of small empty whiskey bottles discovered in the best man’s pockets! Apparently, our high table hosts had been secretly mixing their sodas with the substantial liters of whiskey.

The bride was so disappointed when she discovered that her saved husband was actually a real guzzler of booze! As for Aggrey and I, it was such a huge relief! We proceeded to order for ice cold frothy Bralirwa products to quench the thirst as both bridegroom and best man were carried away to meet the senior pastors who would lay their hands on them in a bid to chase away the demons! The miracles had made our day!