Mixed fortunes for shoppers as new budget year starts

Commodity prices for some products have gone up in Kigali, with traders attributing the increase to the dry season. Vendors in Kigali City Market also told The New Times that prices of imported commodities like rice that was previously at Rwf5,100 now goes for Rwf5,500 per kilogramme.

Friday, July 04, 2014
A vendor in Kimironko market arranges her stall. The prices of carrots, green pepper, among other vegetables have gone by up to Rwf200 in most markets across the city.

Commodity prices for some products have gone up in Kigali, with traders attributing the increase to the dry season. Vendors in Kigali City Market also told The New Times that prices of imported commodities like rice that was previously at Rwf5,100 now goes for Rwf5,500 per kilogramme.

Edwin Manzi, a cashier at East Gates Supermarket, said a kilogramme of ‘Pakistan rice’ costs Rwf5,500, up from Rwf5,100 a few days back. 

the prices of eggplant, peas, green pepper and carrots also increased by between Rwf100 or Rwf200 in most city markets. Eggplant cost Rwf900 from Rwf700 last week, peas are at Rwf800 a kilo from Rwf700, green pepper goes for Rwf600 and carrots are at Rwf400 per kilogramme from Rwf300 in Kimironko and Kigali City markets.

Lillian, a market vendor in Kimironko market, attributed the increase to low supply "because of the current dry spell”. 

However, buyers are better off going to Nyabugogo market, where rates are pocket friendly compared to other markets in Kigali. For example, a kilogramme of oranges is at Rwf500 in Nyabugogo market, while it costs Rwf700 in other markets; that of passion fruits is Rwf1,000 but goes forRwf800 in Nyabugogo. 

"The prices in Nyabugogo market are pocket friendly because most vendors at Nyabugogo do not incur transport costs,” Betty Wamahoro a market vendor in Kimironko market, argued.

Prices for other foodstuffs like sweet potatoes, Irish, bananas (plantains) were stable, but expected to go up soon "since we have started the dry season that will affect output,” Christopher Mugabo, a vendor in Nyabugogo market, said.

Sugar prices were also unchanged at Rwf700 per kilogramme in ordinary shops and Rwf1,000 in supermarkets. Wheat goes for Rwf1,800 a kilogramme in supermarkets and Rwf1,600 in local shops, same as last week.