Mark of respect to the Rwanda Defence Forces

Onward you matched driven by the validity of your cause and the focus to accomplish your mission. A cause strongly entrenched in ensuring that all Rwandans have equal rights politically, economically, socially and equal opportunities for all than a group of individuals. 

Friday, July 04, 2014
Nathan Mugume

Onward you matched driven by the validity of your cause and the focus to accomplish your mission. A cause strongly entrenched in ensuring that all Rwandans have equal rights politically, economically, socially and equal opportunities for all than a group of individuals. 

On the onset of the liberation war, you meandered the unknown terrain faced with death and starvation. You were not deterred by the death of your comrades, open fire from the enemy side and the raging wild animals, you moved on like a mighty army. 

Discipline and patience became your daily bread while good command and professionalism became your guiding star. The discipline and professionalism that you have displayed on both internal and external assignments have made you the admired force that you are today.

The genocidal forces and their allies fought so hard to stop you but you prevailed, not divided you moved on as one army in faith, spirit and ideology, you never failed to rescue those that were being murdered and persecuted by the genocidal forces and its regime. 

To the survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi, you gave them hope and the reason to live. Today, Rwandans are harvesting the good and sweet fruits born from the seeds that you sowed during the liberation war.

From a guerrilla and liberation force, you have transformed into a professional army that continues to propagate the seeds sowed during the liberation war, you have tirelessly defended the territorial integrity and the national sovereignty of our country, we salute you for your commitment and participation in humanitarian activities in case of disasters. 

Above all, thank you for your contribution to the development of Rwanda. Your involvement and support in health and other sectors is outstanding and evident. 

Your participation in international peace-keeping missions, humanitarian assistance and training has not only worn you accolades but has also given Rwanda a positive image. You have shown your commitment to making international peacekeeping more successful.

That said, and as we celebrate twenty years of liberation the pertinent question is, what lessons the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) offers to the rest of us. 

One possible lesson is to remain rooted in the validity of our cause, self-dignity, and resilience. 

Remaining focused to our values, striving for a legacy that will not only define who we are at present, but for the future generations to come. Another important lesson that we can draw from the force that liberated us is unity. 

Today, the RDF has embraced the ideology of fostering unity and reconciliation among Rwandans as envisioned by the commander-in-chief President Paul Kagame. 

The RDF is not partisan and neither is it sectarian, this is another vital lesson that we need to borrow as we concentrate on building capacities both internally and externally to deal with challenges on our journey to development and self reliance. 

Again, through different activities, the RDF has always endeavored to ensure that Rwandans are empowered and protected, this is another example that we can emulate. 

Liberation continues, it’s a continuous journey began by those that liberated us, let us join them, let us not be discouraged by those that opt to cut the journey short, opting out is a yardstick that measures our patriotism and cadreship.

The writer is the head of Communication Division at Rwanda Biomedical centre.