Residents appeal for sanitation facilities

WESTERN PROVINCE Bupfune settlement residents in Karongi district have appealed for sanitation facilities.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Bupfune settlement residents in Karongi district have appealed for sanitation facilities.

About 300 residents in the settlement have asked the district authorities to help them build toilets.

The residents say that they have spent a very longtime without having latrines and move to neighboring villages for sanitary activities. 

"We request any willing organisations to assist because we might suffer other consequences as a result of poor hygiene,” said Augustine Kairanga one of the residents.

The hindrance digging up pit latrines is because Bupfune settlement was built in a swamp.

According to the residents, many have dug up pit latrines of about 2 meters long which collapse as soon as they have been constructed. 

"I constructed a two meter latrine lately but it collapsed just after a week,” said a resident.

Several days of community work have previously been dedicated to latrine construction but no standard latrine has ever been constructed.

Contacted, Bwishyura Sector leaders acknowledged the problem, saying they were yet to address it.

"We have plans of constructing three very good pit latrines above the ground level at this settlement for residents but we haven’t got the money,” said the Bwishyura Sector leader.
