Local leaders arrested over misappropriation of funds

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI—Eighteen village and Cell leaders have been arrested in Gikundamvura Sector, Rusizi district on charges of misappropriating funds meant for health insurance commonly referred to as ‘Mituelle de Santé.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


RUSIZI—Eighteen village and Cell leaders have been arrested in Gikundamvura Sector, Rusizi district on charges of misappropriating funds meant for health insurance commonly referred to as ‘Mituelle de Santé.

The group of only men was apprehended on Monday, July 18 from various villages and cells in the sector.

Sources said the suspects are alleged to have embezzled a total of Frw413, 000 that they collected from residents meant for 2007 health insurance.

Speaking to our reporter, at Muganza Police Station, where they are currently detained, the District Police Commander (DPC), Superintendent Francis Muheto confirmed the arrests. 

"Yes it’s true we have arrested about 18 people on charges of embezzling money for mituelle de santé in their respective areas of work.

But what we as police have noticed is that such a crime might be taking place in various sectors in the district so we are going to deal with it seriously in order to curb it,” Muheto said.

Police identified the village leaders as, Jonas Bizeyimana, of Gasharu, Levocatre Ntoranyi, Mubuga , Silvestre Babyarimana,  Mugerero, Claver Kayibanda, Nyabihanga village, Geoffrey Muvara, Mubera and Frolian Ngendahayo, of Kagari village.

Others include, David Ntakirutimana, Hinduka village, Joseph Nsanzurwimo, Kamabuye, and Celestin Kanyeshamba of Mpuzamahanga village, while the Cell coordinators were identified as, Emmanuel Habiyambere, of Mpinga cell, and Oswald Kabanda, of Kizura cell.

"We arrested them after getting information from their fellow leaders and residents,” a police official added.

The money was found out to be missing after an audit was carried out by a team of district health workers.

At the police station, one of the arrested suspects, Celestin Kanyeshamba said, "Yes, I ….used Frw60, 000 that I received from residents for my personal needs but I ask for forgiveness.”     

Meanwhile, Muheto also revealed that it is alleged that over Frw4m meant for similar programme was missing at Mashesha health centre, according to an audit which was carried out there in July this year.
