Editorial: When one dream dies, pick up another!

In this this issue, we feature the inspirational tale of 49-year-old Emerthe Akimanizanye, a teacher at Groupe Scolaire Rwakirali whose life story teaches us not to give up when things do not go as we had planned.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

In this this issue, we feature the inspirational tale of 49-year-old Emerthe Akimanizanye, a teacher at Groupe Scolaire Rwakirali whose life story teaches us not to give up when things do not go as we had planned.

Although circumstances dictated the death of her childhood career dream, Akimanizanye shows us that at the grave of every lost dream, providence gives us another dream that can turn our lives around- if only we will rise from our self-pity and grab it.

--READ ALSO: When Akimanizanye’s dream died, she picked up another and excelled--

This is a lesson that we all need to learn over and over, especially in our competitive age when parents make elaborate plans for their children’s future career paths and children themselves have big academic dreams. Very often these dreams will be shattered and the temptation is to give in to despair on the children’s part, anger on the parents’ and feelings of failure and inadequacy on both. 

Akimanizanye’s story tells us that this need not be the case; that with determination even Plan B can bring as much satisfaction and success as Plan A. All we need to do is try. She also shares with us her strategies of success, the inspiration that keeps her going and her firm belief that every student should be given a fair chance at success.

In our other big story we discuss the Rwanda Education Board’s efforts to implement the Mother Tongue Policy which mandates that education in the lower levels of education be done in Kinyarwanda, and the challenges that the move is facing from parents and the schools. Enjoy!