Editor, Reference is made to the article, “Rwanda condemns UN peacekeeping request to lift FDLR travel ban” (The New Times, June 28).
Reference is made to the article, "Rwanda condemns UN peacekeeping request to lift FDLR travel ban” (The New Times, June 28).
Could the mathematicians amongst us help to calculate the probability that "the very same man”, Mr. Hervé Ladsous, who as France’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in 1994, was more responsible than any other individual in facilitating the ex-filtration into the then Zaire of the ex-FAR and Interahamwe—which had just perpetrated the Genocide against the Tutsi — would, 20 years later (this time from his powerful perch) as the head of that same UN’s peacekeeping department?
How could this man — who together with Kofi Annan refused General Romeo Dallaire permission to seize the génocidaires’ arms — be the same individual helping the same génocidaires violate UN Security Council sanctions imposed on them for their massive crimes against humanity in the DR Congo and Rwanda?
What incredible serendipity!
And as in 1994, the UN, with the Big Powers’ acquiescence, if not approval of all of them, becomes complicit in allowing criminals to get away with it, even as it continues to pay lip service to what everybody now realises is its empty slogan of "Never Again”.
Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda
It is very unfortunate to live in such an unfair international system controlled by the powerful. Well, to Rwandans, we have lived with this criminal arrogance over the million lost lives.
Should anyone hesitate to judge that Monusco (UN peacekeeping mission) is not in DR Congo for peace? Double standards!
I bet the "Never Again” slogan is a mere sweet word to say after shame, but the concerned should be prepared to pay for whatever cost for their own survival; otherwise UN, France, and Monusco should be ready to own any undesired eventuality in the region.
Rangira, Rwanda
There is no UN. There is no Human Rights Watch. There is only a geopolitics game to kill who is doomed to be killed or to save the one chosen to be saved. Hervé Ladsous has been on command of génocidaires since his appointment at UN in the 1990s.
Rwanda should defend itself, but the enemy (FDLR) should bear in mind that what hit them in 1994 is still there and has actually grown incredibly stronger.
Peter, Rwanda