Modern communication center

Dear editor,The on going laying of the optical fiber is a major step of development for Rwanda.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dear editor,
The on going laying of the optical fiber is a major step of development for Rwanda.

This action will greatly benefit this country by making it ahead in the ICT field in East Africa.

There is no reason for Rwanda to lag behind in development while the rest of the world acquires new technology especially in the area of communications.

With the difficulty that many people find with accessing wireless internet, the new broadband will provide open non-discriminatory and affordable costs around the country.

Definitely, for Rwanda to cross from being an agrarian to a knowledge-based economy, the optical fiber will play a major role in achieving this.

Other than this those Rwandans who are ignorant in computer skills should take the initiative to become computer literate.

This is because without knowledge of how to operate on the internet, the optical fiber would be of no use to them yet it is a very expensive project that has been set.