A tribute to Dr. Murego

Editor, IT’S BEEN a shock to me ever since I heard of the untimely passing of Dr. Charles Murego and all I can ask  is why now, why you, when we still greatly needed you?

Monday, June 30, 2014


IT’S BEEN a shock to me ever since I heard of the untimely passing of Dr. Charles Murego and all I can ask  is why now, why you, when we still greatly needed you?

I hope we have been good pupils to carry on your great legacy of service above self with humility and love. In spite of such painful sudden loss, l am honoured to have met this great father, friend and mentor who never got tired of listening and attending to his patients; no wonder he died serving his most important clients.

I still remember his warm welcome to me when l first arrived in Rwanda. He has taught me well to do my best every day. The medical fraternity worldwide has lost a true doctor and comrade.

Farewell my friend and indeed RIP, you ran your race so well. As you usually said, "behave and take care”.

Dr. Judy Orikiiriza, Dublin, Ireland

Reaction to the article, "Ministry for Defence mourns Dr Murego” (The New Times, June 28)