Lack of evidence hamper sexual violence trials: GMO

The Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) is committed to helping curb gender-based violence in the country, the Deputy Chief Gender Monitor, Eugenie Kabageni, has said.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Gender Monitoring Office (GMO) is committed to helping curb gender-based violence in the country, the Deputy Chief Gender Monitor, Eugenie Kabageni, has said.

Speaking at a dialogue with stakeholders on GBV prevention and response in Eastern Province, Kabageni cited lack of evidence in the prosecution of GBV cases, limited information sharing and collaboration between key actors providing services at the community level among the challenges.

She called for strong partnership between investigators, prosecutors and other actors to find tangible evidences to back the GBV cases in the court. 

"The discussion was fruitful, issues related to lack of evidence in the prosecution of GBV cases and its consequences on both victims and perpetrators will be handled,” Kabageni said.

"We intend to forge close collaboration amongst us, to improve GBV prevention and response.”

GMO has carried out community-based survey on GBV cases and also monitored the effectiveness of mechanisms in place, including One -Stop Centres that provide care to victims.

The dialogue that attracted local leaders, prosecutors, investigators and other actors, saw participants reiterate their commitment to strengthen mechanisms to stem GBV.

GMO findings revealed that despite the key achievements registered in the fight against GBV and injustice, key issues and challenges related to GBV prevention and response were still persistent.

Statistics from the National Prosecution Authority indicate that there were 2,324 defilement, 383 rape and 901 domestic violence cases registered from 2012-2013 in the country.

Although Eastern Province registered the highest cases of GBV, its efforts to fight GBV are said to be bearing fruit.

Eastern Province executive secretary Jean Marie Makombe reassured gender monitoring officials of full cooperation in combating GBV.

"Our commitment to fight GBV remains unwavered. We will sensitise residents to always urgently report any information related to rape, defilement or any other GBV in homes and public places,” Makombe said.