SPLM officials visit Kigali Genocide memorial

Senior officials of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), the ruling party in South Sudan, yesterday visited Gisozi Genocide Memorial vowed to learn from the Rwandan experience to avoid bloodbath.

Saturday, June 28, 2014
Anne Itto Leonardo and Joseph Karemera lay wreaths on a mass grave at Gisozi Genocide Memorial. (John Mbanda)

Senior officials of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), the ruling party in South Sudan, yesterday visited Gisozi Genocide Memorial vowed to learn from the Rwandan experience to avoid bloodbath.

"Rwanda shares similar history with South Sudan. In the past 50 years, two million people have been killed and five million displaced to neighbouring countries. As Africans, we should remember our culture that soldiers kill soldiers not civilians, women or innocent children,” said the SPLM acting Secretary General, Anne Itto Leonardo, who led the seven-member delegation.

"Rwanda has been able to recover from turmoil and as Sudanese; we need to learn from the values that the good leadership has provided to move this nation towards successful recovery,” she added.

Joseph Karemera, a Commissioner in Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) said: "Everyone should understand that there are bitter lessons to learn from Rwanda’s massive destruction of human lives and property. Just like the current government, all leaders should adopt a pro-people kind of leadership to facilitate national reconciliation, a fact that has seen Rwanda achieve tremendous growth.”