Mc Anita Pendo pregnant Master of ceremonies, DJ and radio presenter, Anita Pendo is a jack of all trades but if what our sources say is true, then she might have to slow down. 

Friday, June 27, 2014
DJ Anita Pendo plays music at an event.

Mc Anita Pendo pregnant

Master of ceremonies, DJ and radio presenter, Anita Pendo is a jack of all trades but if what our sources say is true, then she might have to slow down. Word has been doing rounds that Anita has a bun in the oven. Although she had attributed the rumours to her recent weight gain, sources say that in recent times her baby bump is beginning to show. Pendo is dating Future Record’s Producer David. 

Frank Joe to Audition for BBA 9

RnB musician Frank Joe is set to return home for the auditions of Big Brother Africa season 9 that will take place at Lemigo Hotel on July 9. Frank Joe, a musician, actor and model, is currently based in Canada and married to a Canadian. 

Upon knowing the auditioning dates, sources say that he expressed his interest in participating in BBA 9. "I want to represent my country; it is an opportunity that I would not want to waste. My other projects can wait while I fulfill the dream of representing my country,” he said. 

Muyoboke, Kid Gaju, in bitter brawl

A war of words has ensued between Alex Muyoboke, a veteran music promoter and musician prodigy Kid Gaju. Apparently the bone of contention stems from a work relationship gone sour.  

 In March, Muyoboke expressed interest to work with Kid Gaju and Gaju embraced the idea which resulted in a song he recorded with Uganda’s Cindy courtesy of Muyoboke’s connections. 

But things didn’t work out and the two have since stopped seeing eye to eye. Gaju accuses Muyoboke of being a control freak while Muyoboke accuses Gaju of indiscipline and drinking too much alcohol.  We wait to see where the war of words between the two former friends will end.  Muyoboke has fallen out with various artistes in the past, among them, Tom Close, Dream Boys, Urban Boyz and Paccy.  

Rapper Fireman to join Police
The grapevine has it that Super Level member Fireman is planning to join the National Police Force.  
Fireman left Touch Records early this year in search of greener pastures at Super Level but todate he is yet to see the green pastures. With no hit song to speak of or contract to give him hope, word has it that he is considering joining the police force. Scouts have since confirmed that all Super Level members are currently busy pursuing other projects. Urban Boyz are busy promoting their latest hit Tayali with Iyanya, Bruce Melody is contesting in Primus Guma Guma, and Mico The Best is currently in the US. 
Fireman is a former member of Tough Gangz, together with Jay Polly, Green P and Bull Dogg. 
Knowless to land UNESCO ambassadorial role
Whatever this songstress touches turns into gold. After exploding on the Rwandan music scene six years ago, her lucky star has been rising and she has turned out to be a strong force in Rwanda’s entertainment industry.  Word going around is that she might be considered for a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation’s youth ambassadorial role which comes at a time when she is also the MTN brand ambassador.  Sources close to the musician say that the deal includes a one month music tour in Europe aimed at raising awareness among Rwandans about preserving their culture. Both deals are said to be the main reason Knowless declined to take part in the ongoing Primus Guma Guma Super Star season 4.