Do it yourself

Editor, I wish to react to Sunny Ntayombya’s article, “Why you need that ‘side hustle’” (The New Times, June 25).

Friday, June 27, 2014


I wish to react to Sunny Ntayombya’s article, "Why you need that ‘side hustle’” (The New Times, June 25).

The same people (myself included) earning a decent salary are using "slaves” at home and we are paying them peanuts for things we could do ourselves.

How on earth do we employ somebody for peanuts on 24-hour basis, without even giving them leave days and for things we could do ourselves like washing cars and cleaning around the house?

The list is long, the trick lies in the attitude:

Did you know that do it yourself at home provides you much needed time to think about your home, takes away the time you spend flushing your credit on lavish lifestyle, eating self-prepared food or having one warm meal a day keeps you healthy and lean, washing your kid’s clothes and spending healthier times with your family increases the quality of their mind-set?

For instance, kids spending time with their parents will likely not require private lessons to be up to the school standards, thus reducing the toll on your net salary cap. Do it yourself at home makes you a better parent.

Toni, Stuttgart, Germany