‘Leaked’ report smirks of blackmail

Editor, Reference is made to the article, “RDF dismisses ‘leaked’ DRC skirmishes report” (The New Times, June 26).

Friday, June 27, 2014


Reference is made to the article, "RDF dismisses ‘leaked’ DRC skirmishes report” (The New Times, June 26).

Often the intention for these "leaks” is to engineer the perception of culpability on Rwanda's part, and have Rwanda's denial of culpability portrayed as an implicit admission of guilt. Then when the real report is actually released, showing that the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) acted within its mandate and international law, enemies of Rwanda proceed to make it seem as if Rwanda pressured the EJVM to doctor the report in our favour.

What this tells me is the EJVM report will show DR Congo as the aggressor and instigator of these skirmishes, and certain people are upset about this, and are therefore trying to poison the well in a rather clumsy fashion, as well.

Google Earth is for civilian applications. Why on earth would they expect anybody to be gullible enough to believe Google Earth is actually used by an international organisation to officially verify military operations?

Dayo, Rwanda