Rwamagana destroys banned drugs

About 35 kilogrammes of cannabis and 144 litres of local brew, commonly known as kanyanga, were on Wednesday destroyed in Rwamagana District as part of a campaign against drug abuse.

Friday, June 27, 2014

About 35 kilogrammes of cannabis and 144 litres of local brew, commonly known as kanyanga, were on Wednesday destroyed in Rwamagana District as part of a campaign against drug abuse.

The illicit drugs were impounded in the district in the previous month. 

The exercise was attended by local leaders, representatives of courts and prosecution, students and commercial motorcycle operators as well as  area residents.

Also destroyed were about 13 tonnes of a local plant called kabaruka.

The trees were either cut illegally in the district or were intercepted enroute to other parts or outside the country through Rwamagana.

The illegal felling of kabaruka trees is most common in the Eastern Province.

The plant, said to be used as a raw material in the production of perfumes and lotions, is usually trafficked through porous borders to neighbouring countries.

The Rwamagana District Police Commander, Supt. Richard Rubagumya, said stringent measures had been taken to curb the vice.

"We are now identifying and breaking the supply chain. We know some of the people involved and we will not tire until they are arrested and brought to justice,” Supt. Rubagumya warned.

He appealed to the community to report all those involved so that they are arrested.

He also urged students to report those that try to lure them into such criminal acts, which he said might hamper their education dreams.