Rwandans have what it takes to address our challenges

Editor, REFER TO the story, “Rwandan wins Rolex Awards for Enterprise, bags Rwf38m” (The New Times, June 25).

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Dr Nsengimana was recognised for his efforts in saving the grey-crowned crane, a tottem in some local cultures, that conservationists worry face extinction. Timothy Kisambira.


REFER TO the story, "Rwandan wins Rolex Awards for Enterprise, bags Rwf38m” (The New Times, June 25).

Dr. Olivier Nsengimana is another living example of what Rwandans can achieve together once we continue working together in shaping the future of our country. Kudos to him and I wish him success in all the different projects that he will be involved in. 

Luckily, we have a leadership that encourages citizens to work hard towards making this country great. As Dr. Nsengimana says, we should all be inspired by President Paul Kagame’s call to the youth to come up with solutions to challenges facing the country.

We have everything to devise specific solutions to our specific problems and we don’t have to wait for others to come and do it for us. There are some challenges that we think are insurmountable, but if we think hard and join forces, we will achieve all we want to. What we need is to have the courage and resolve.

I do not want to sound skeptical about some events, but I think we waste a lot of money and time on things that will never change the life of Rwandans. Take the example of Miss Rwanda contest. Whenever this event is announced, you will see companies fall over themselves to sponsor it and then hype it comes with.

Instead, why can’t we organise an annual nationwide talent contest, sponsor it and see what comes out of it? I bet that we will be surprised by the great minds among us, people like Dr. Nsengimana who would subsequently be invited around the world to talk about Rwanda and Africa. We can show the world that we Africans can solve our own issues without relying on external help. 

I would like to add that Dr. Nsengimana’s achievement does not only promote the image of Rwanda – it also motivates him to think of other great projects and inspires many others as well.

Yes we can!

Mutara Intore, Rwanda