Statistics body to conduct study on job creation

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) will next month launch a business survey to track employment opportunities created by businesses across all sectors of the economy.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) will next month launch a business survey to track employment opportunities created by businesses across all sectors of the economy.

Yusufu Murangwa, the NISR director general, said the survey will help establish the right employment figures in each sector of the economy, and the overall impact new businesses are creating in terms of job-creation. When completed findings from the study will be used in policy formulation and also to help government in planning and resource allocation. 

"Currently, we are not able to truck unemployment rates on a quarterly basis. However, we will be conducting a survey next month to establish employment opportunities created by new companies. Thereafter, the exercise will be done every year starting from next year,” Murangwa said.

Amb. Claver Gatete, the Minister for Finance, said the initiative would help government make informed decisions basing on the new statistics that will be compiled after the study. "We appreciate the initiative because, as government, we need an independent body to conduct such research so that we are able to know and tell the reality on the ground,” Gatete said on Tuesday. 

According to the second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy, government seeks to create 200,000 off-farm jobs every year.