Mukankaka is driven by passion for teaching, not money

Me teacher…choose me,” the primary five pupils of Groupe Scolaire Kimironko II beckon her with their eager hands in the air as soon as she asks someone to construct a sentence using “active voice.”

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Mukankaka jokes with her pupils in class. ELIZABETH BUHUNGIRO

Me teacher…choose me,” the primary five pupils of Groupe Scolaire Kimironko II beckon her with their eager hands in the air as soon as she asks someone to construct a sentence using "active voice.” Judging from the brilliant answers that the pupils give, it’s easy to tell that Antoinette Mukankaka has done an excellent job as an English teacher. It’s also evident that she enjoys teaching just as much as the pupils enjoy learning from her. No wonder she was recognised by Rwanda Education Board as one of the outstanding performers in the profession.

The award winning teacher

Apart from teaching English to Primary Five pupils, Mukankaka also teaches Science and Elementary Technology to Primary Six pupils. Her methods of teaching ensure that every pupil fully understands the concept of a particular subject matter before she moves on to the next topic.

Frank Mbaraga, a Primary Six student, says: "Teacher Antoinette always uses many examples while teaching and only stops when we have all understood.”

She is also charged with the responsibility of keeping the children in line in regard to discipline and hygiene, a role that she plays diligently.

"She always advises and counsels us when we make mistakes or misbehaviour,” says Igrid Kanyambo, a Primary Five, student.

Mukankaka goes on to provide first aid to pupils who get injured or ailments at school. 

Her colleagues Sarah Kaisengye and JMV Minyaruko find her kind-heartedness astonishing. "Antoinette is very kind. She visits some of the poor children from this school at their homes. She also helps other poor people in her community,” Kaisengye says.

"She is also kind to us as her colleagues and we find it easy to seek her help when dealing with personal challenges,” adds Minyaruko.

It is no wonder that Mukankaka won the award for best teacher in discipline for Gasabo district in the year 2013. For that, she was given a computer. 

Early life

Mukankaka was daddy’s little girl. Having been born in 1971, she was the last born of four children. So she often received little favours and was a little spoiled by both her siblings and her parents. Also, the fact that both her parents were ministers in a church in her hometown of Karongi district in the western province, she barely received any form of physical punishment for her misgivings. 

"I was a naughty child and I loved to play, more than anything else but my parents understood that I was only a child and the mistakes I made never got me into big trouble,” Mukankaka recalls.

Mukankaka acquired her primary education from Kirinda Primary School which is in her hometown of Karongi. For secondary school education, she moved away from home and joined Groupe Scholaire Kigeme in Nyamagabe district in the Southern Province, after which she decided to study a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance at former Kigali Institute of Education. 

Personal life

He never had it easy. Mukankaka’s husband never got a smooth ride to her heart. He was rejected a number of times despite the countless love letters he wrote to her and the gifts he bought for her. It was only after showing commitment and consistence that he won her trust.

"I met him in 1993 in Karongi district when I had just started to teach. At that time, I felt that I wasn’t ready for a relationship but he didn’t give up because he loved and wanted to be with me.” He was her first love.

Before him, there had been no other, not even a teenage fling. "During our time, if a girl got pregnant it would cause so much chaos in her family. I therefore feared relationships because I feared to get pregnant,” she recalls.

It’s been twenty years since Mukankaka got married and is blessed with five children. She also speaks of the joy of being married to her best friend; someone who loves her, comforts her and gives her the freedom to be herself. "He was my shoulder to lean on when I lost my dear father. I had to assume the responsibility of looking after my mother and he offered a helping hand,” Mukankaka says.

Source of inspiration

Being a teacher is by choice. This lively and inspirational teacher loves children. She was influenced by her Christian family background to treat the needy and the old with kindness. Of her five children, she adopted one from Groupe Scolaire Kimironko II on the realisation that the child was a double orphan with no close relatives.

She also draws her inspiration from President Paul Kagame. To her, he is a visionary and wise leader who has a sense of direction. "President Kagame is effective with his solutions to different issues,” she says.

Challenges and future plans

"My biggest challenge as a teacher is the fact that salaries are extremely low. The only reason why I am teaching is because I love it,” Mukankaka says. Her wish is to see teachers receiving good remuneration at the end of each month because this encourages them to do their work more diligently.

"As soon as I stop being a teacher, I intend to put my degree in Accounting and Finance to use for the first time,” Mukankaka says. 

But for now, she is content to provide education to children, loving every minute of it.