Stay fit! Exercise

Exercising is good for your body and it is healthy too. When you do exercises, you feel refreshed and very active. Many children are naturally active and full of energy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Exercising is good for your body and it is healthy too. When you do exercises, you feel refreshed and very active. Many children are naturally active and full of energy.

They do not just watch TV and play computer games all the time. If you do this a lot, you will not be getting enough exercise which is needed for a healthy body.

Habits that are developed from your child-hood often stick with you throughout your life. When you put exercise and games as one of your daily activities, you will be on the right road in terms of being mentally and physically fit.

There are lots of different ways for children to exercise. You can run, jump, play on the swings, grab a basketball and shoot some hoops, simply walk, ride a bicycle, swim, play football, volleyball and even dance.

Team sports can also be a lot of fun. It helps to improve coordination, balance, and team skills. Games also help you make friends.

Exercising and playing games are very important for the healthy growth of any child.  It helps to develop and strengthen the bones and muscles.

This will prevent children from putting on excess weight. Regular exercise can also improve a child’s mental and emotional wellbeing.

Children who exercise regularly are likely to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life. Remind dad and mum to arrange for active outings or play together in the evenings and on weekends.
