Godfrey Wasswa joined Lacolombiere in November, 2013 as headmaster. He was charged with the duty to transform the school from Francophone to Anglophone, a target he has almost hit. His students speak English confidently and fluently which explains why Lacolombiere did not register any failures in the last national examinations.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Wasswa in his office at Lacolombiere.

Godfrey Wasswa joined Lacolombiere in November, 2013 as headmaster. He was charged with the duty to transform the school from Francophone to Anglophone, a target he has almost hit. His students speak English confidently and fluently which explains why Lacolombiere did not register any failures in the last national examinations. 

When Wasswa joined Lacolombiere, he introduced interviews for students before admission with the aim of identifying each one’s abilities. 

He also introduced a policy that seeks to bridge the gap between teachers and students. Between 4:30pm and 5:15pm students discuss the day’s problems with teachers and administrators and a solution is quickly found.

For 30 years now, Wasswa has been teaching biology and when he joined Lacolombiere, he emphasised the integration of subjects with other disciplines.

During his lessons, Wasswa spares some time to link biology to entreprenuership although it is not part of the curriculum. He will for instance teach students poultry farming, or how to deal with parasites affecting your cows to enable students cope with the real world.