Can an epilepsy patient still have normal sex life?

Dear doctor; I was diagnosed with epilepsy two weeks ago. My husband and I are both concerned about our healthy sex life. What dangers does sex pose to my life now?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Dear doctor;

I was diagnosed with epilepsy two weeks ago. My husband and I are both concerned about our healthy sex life. What dangers does sex pose to my life now?

Concerned Woman.

Dear Concerned Woman,

I understand your concern. You have not specified your age. Was there any problem like high fever, severe headache or head injury preceding the epilepsy. Sometimes infections of the brain like tape worm infestation, toxoplasmosis or head injury, among others, can cause epilepsy due to irritation of part of the brain parenchyma. In such a case, treatment of the cause completely cures epilepsy. 

But primary epilepsy (without apparent cause) usually needs life-long medication. In this case, one has problems due to epilepsy and also from adverse effects of medication like difficulty in walking, anemia, among others. A woman has difficulty in conceiving and even if she conceives, there is risk of abortion, premature birth and the baby being born with congenital abnormalities as well as brain damage. None of the anti-epilepsy medication is entirely safe for the unborn baby. Heredity is also one of the causes of primary epilepsy. 

Hence, with mother being affected, there is increased risk of the child having epilepsy later in life. 

Therefore, if epilepsy is of recent onset, it is better to do investigations to look for a treatable cause. If none is found, decision to have a baby should be made after considering the risks involved. Pregnancy and delivery should be under surveillance.