Can one get scabies from clothings?

Dear doctor; A visiting relative has a child who is suffering from scabies. Are scabies contagious? Will sharing clothes or even using the same basins to do laundry lead to infection? Habineza, Nyamirambo.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Dear doctor;

A visiting relative has a child who is suffering from scabies. Are scabies contagious? Will sharing clothes or even using the same basins to do laundry lead to infection? Habineza, Nyamirambo.

Dear Habineza,

Scabies is definitely contagious. But it usually does not occur due to casual physical contact like a handshake. Prolonged close physical contact as when people sharing beddings increases the risk of infection. Poor hygiene augments the risk. The affected child needs to be treated by applying 20 per cent of benzyl benzoate solution locally over the body.

One application should last 12 to 24 hours. Using medicated soaps like tetmosol would be useful. The child should sit in the sunlight more frequently as strong sunlight helps to destroy the parasite causing scabies. All clothes worn and used by him, including the bed clothes, towel, etc, should be washed in hot water and dried in hot sun and iron before use. These measures will help to destroy parasite completely and minimise risk of cross-infection.