Investing in the future: Canal Plus Rwanda empowers underprivileged children with scholastic support
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Children who were given the donation. The partnership has been ongoing for three years and is aimed at allowing learners to have a chance to study in good schools.

It was all merry as 20 underprivileged children from the A-Bato Organization received scholastic materials including bags, pens, books, and tuition on September 15 ahead of the new term, from CANAL Rwanda, a subsidiary of CANAL International.

The caring gesture was part of the partnership between CANAL Rwanda and A-Bato Organization to support disadvantaged children with school requirements and full school fees to assist them in acquiring education and chasing their goals.

Sophie TCHATCHOUA, the Managing Director of CANAL+ Rwanda

According to Sophie TCHATCHOUA, the Managing Director of CANAL Rwanda, the partnership has been ongoing for three years and is aimed at allowing learners to have a chance to study in good schools, without worrying about what to eat, the requirements to use, or being chased home for fees.

"If we are not investing in children, we are not investing in the future. This initiative is under CANAL Impact, a program throughout Africa in 25 countries where CANAL is present. One of its pillars is to help youth through education,” TCHATCHOUA stated.

She noted that it is the culture of CANAL Rwanda to provide financial support to NGOs that care for vulnerable people.

TCHATCHOUA said that this initiative is ongoing and parents are also beneficiaries.

Her message to learners is to work hard to pursue their dreams, noting that they are the future presidents, lawyers, and doctors. Gisele Igiraneza, a primary six graduate and beneficiary of the initiative for two years, appreciates CANAL Rwanda for the opportunity to pay her school fees.

"Before acquiring the scholarship from CANAL Rwanda, my parents couldn’t afford to pay my tuition. At times they paid it in instalments and sometimes I could be sent back home for delaying to pay. This affected my grades,” she said.

Igiraneza is thrilled that she can study with full school requirements, a thing that has lifted the stress off her parents.

Igiraneza’s scholarship is still ongoing even as she plans to join high school.

Agnes Mbonekewenimana, a mother whose two children in primary four and five benefit from the initiative, noted that poverty had hindered her children from studying.

She expressed thanks to CANAL Rwanda for the opportunity offered to her children to stay in school, stressing that their grades have improved as well.

Mbonekewenimana was always stressed, wondering where school fees would come from, however, with the initiative, the children are happy and always report to school on the first day.

"We have seen children study and excel as their school needs have been catered for, and likewise, their parents can now relax, find jobs, and provide for other family needs,” said Rev. Thérèse Mukamakuza, the vice president of A-Bato Organization.

Beneficiaries of the partnership at the event.

She noted that A-Bato Organization and CANAL Rwanda will continue working together to change the lives of many youngsters.

According to Mukamakuza, CANAL Rwanda anticipates providing financial support to parents so that they offer a decent lifestyle to their children.

On March 8, 2022, CANAL Rwanda gave food to women of the A-Bato Organization.

"We have done such initiatives in different parts of Rwanda, like Musanze, Rubavu, and our target is children in need,” TCHATCHOUA said.

A-Bato Organization is an NGO that supports deprived children with support for education, sports, and life. The Gikondo-based NGO started in 2013.

Sophie TCHATCHOUA, the Managing Director of CANAL+ Rwanda (Right) hands over scholastic materials to one of children at the A-Bato Organization receives on September 15 . Photos by Craish Bahizi
Parents accompanied their children at the handover of scholastic materials to children at the A-Bato Organization receives on September 15 . Photo by Craish Bahizi