Kirehe District council passes Rwf9bn budget

The Advisory Council of Kirehe District on Saturday passed a Rwf9.2bn budget for the financial year 2014/15 with priority being given to agriculture.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Advisory Council of Kirehe District on Saturday passed a Rwf9.2bn budget for the financial year 2014/15 with priority being given to agriculture.

The council chairperson, Erneste Rwagasana, said at least 60 per cent of the budget will be channeled toward  development projects in agriculture, infrastructure such as road construction, distribution of water and electricity among others.

Rwagasana added that about Rwf60 million was earmarked for the implementation of Nyakarambi town master plan.

Nyakarambi, the nearest town to Rusumo One-Stop Border Post (OSBP) between Rwanda and Tanzania, has been undergoing a major facelift.

"The budget will mainly finance activities in line with the four pillars of development in Rwanda with agriculture taking the biggest portion,” he said.

Rwagasana urged district councillors  to follow up on the implementation of projects highlighted in the budget.

"Our work as councillors exceeds mere passing of the budget. We should go to the grassroots to oversee its implementation,” he said.

Protais Murayire, the districy mayor, said the budget will target people-centred development projects.

"In the agriculture sector, banana  and coffee plantation will be encouraged and several families will be given livestock to enhance their income,” he said. Kirehe is one of the fastest growing districts in the country.