Passengers should get concerned too!

Dear editor, It is very disturbing to see how passengers keep quite as a reckless driver drives to hell. I was one day at war with a driver who was driving at above 120km/hour.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dear editor,

It is very disturbing to see how passengers keep quite as a reckless driver drives to hell. I was one day at war with a driver who was driving at above 120km/hour.

He was doing this when all passengers were silent and when I looked into their eyes they all looked afraid.

I was also breathing with difficult due to fear, but I could not stomach it anymore when I had a tone in the car singing death melodies.

I ordered the taxi driver to reduce speed or leave me from that point. He resisted, but after strong arguments, other passengers joined me and he succumbed.

I am saying this because the recent Gakenke accident that claimed virtually every one in the vehicle, reminded me of the passengers duty.

You as a passenger has the right to stop an over speeding driver and when he resists, get out and report him immediately to the police.

The police should more to sensitize passengers on this too. Otherwise, it is unthinkable to see passengers being driven to death as an obedient sheep led to a slaughterhouse.
