Spread knowledge about capital markets

Editor,  THERE’S SINGLE reason why the Government of Rwandan shouldn’t be putting even more energy in helping people get to know all about the capital market— a reason I believe to be hindering a faster capital markets growth.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


THERE’S SINGLE reason why the Government of Rwandan shouldn’t be putting even more energy in helping people get to know all about the capital market— a reason I believe to be hindering a faster capital markets growth.

I think that Rwandans need more in terms of capacity building and how the capital markets work, why are shares traded, and why it’s possible to raise money through the listing in the stock exchange...

We have a government that is getting better and better every day; why don’t the companies, businesses get bigger through the capital markets? I firmly believe that we have all the requirements in place for this to work.

Mitali, Rwanda

Reaction to the story, "Prioritise capital markets devt – central bank official” (The New Times, June 19)