Rubavu approves Rwf13bn for next fiscal year

OFFICIALS IN Rubavu District on Thursday endorsed the 2014/2015 financial year budget of over Rwf13bn with emphasis on development activities.

Friday, June 20, 2014

OFFICIALS IN Rubavu District on Thursday endorsed the 2014/2015

financial year budget of over Rwf13bn with emphasis on development activities.

The budget, according to Nelson Mbarushimana, the chairman of the district council, was drafted  based on the resident’s aspirations and planned government programmes.

He said it will mainly be used in recurrent costs to pay salaries for various district employees, economic transformation activities, rural development, productivity and youth empowerment.

It will also be used in accountable governance, gender empowerment, among others.

"We shall use the budget in new projects such as construction of Nyundo memorial site, construction of 28km of feeder roads, terracing of over 900 hectares of land to boost agriculture, construction of  over 30 new classrooms, and empowering women cooperatives,” Mbarushimana said.

Other new projects include public lighting, construction of district offices and meeting hall, among others.

Mbarushimana hailed the district for implementing last year’s performance contracts, adding that so far 90 per cent targets had been achieved.

He said, however, that the district’s budget is not enough to implement the performance contracts, adding that they will also use own revenues and financial support from partners.

Leaders at sector level urged district authorities to support vulnerable families and returnees.

"We need to help them get own houses,” Clarisse Imanizabayo, the Rubavu sector executive secretary said.

Rubavu mayor said the district is committed to achieving the targets in the next financial  year and help the country achieve middle income status.