We have a listening President

Editor, Reference is made to Junior Sabena Mutabazi’s article, “Three lessons from President Kagame’s recent upcountry tour” (The New Times, June 19).

Friday, June 20, 2014


Reference is made to Junior Sabena Mutabazi’s article, "Three lessons from President Kagame’s recent upcountry tour” (The New Times, June 19).

I agree with the fact that President Kagame really listens and protects his people. It’s rare in Africa to see a Head of State come down to meet the citizens—President Kagame goes even in the far remote countryside—to address, listen and find swift solutions to people’s problems.

We should pay back by giving him all the full support and a chance to keep on moving this country to the next level, a country where our children and grandchildren will enjoy our sweat.

We should also bear in mind that we will never reach that Promised Land once we allow terrorism to lurk on our borders, and even within the country.

Nshimiyimana, France