School curriculum review a step in the right direction

Editor, As an educationist who has lived in Rwanda for many years, I am happy the school curricula are under review. I remember the curriculum development process in 1996/97 was a rapid process to get the system started and going; nevertheless, a lot of progress has been realised today.

Friday, June 20, 2014


As an educationist who has lived in Rwanda for many years, I am happy the school curricula are under review. I remember the curriculum development process in 1996/97 was a rapid process to get the system started and going; nevertheless, a lot of progress has been realised today.

Children are in schools and learning. The new curriculum development process will need to be focused. Looking at the development goals of Rwanda, there has been a talk of a knowledge-based society; I guess this will be hugely defined in terms of what skills children will need to demonstrate in view of the knowledgeable society.

Another critical issue that needs focus is living a sustainable lifestyle. I have for many years thought that the generation to come needs to be empowered to assume responsibility for creating and enjoying a sustainable future.

Rwandans have to improve their capacity to address environmental and developmental issues. The role of education should be seen as vocational, social, liberal and transformative.

Education and learning should indeed be seen to provide students with the skills, perspectives, values and knowledge to live sustainably in their communities.

But what should be clear is that, sustainable development requires active and knowledgeable citizens, caring and informed decision makers capable of making the right choices about complex and interrelated socio-economic and environmental issues human society is facing.

Dear Rwandan educationists, these issues should come out clearly in the new national curriculum.

Kimenyi, Rwanda

Reaction to the story, "Teachers start curriculum review exercise” (The New Times, June 18)