REMA, PSF hold Cleaner Production workshop

The Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and Private Sector Federation (PSF) at Novotel held a one-day workshop last week, aimed at protecting the environment through Cleaner Production.

Monday, August 18, 2008
IN FAVOUR OF CLEAN PRODUCTION:  Dr. Rose Mukankomeje, the Director General of REMA. IN FAVOUR OF CLEAN PRODUCTION:  Dr. Rose Mukankomeje, the Director General of REMA.
IN FAVOUR OF CLEAN PRODUCTION: Dr. Rose Mukankomeje, the Director General of REMA.

The Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and Private Sector Federation (PSF) at Novotel held a one-day workshop last week, aimed at protecting the environment through Cleaner Production.

Dr Rose Mukankomeje, the Director General of REMA, in her remarks said that Cleaner Production brings about sustainability for effective ways of using the environment and exploiting it to support the present and plan for the future generations.

Cleaner Production focuses on minimising resource use and avoiding the creation of pollutants rather than trying to manage pollutants after they have been created. 

It involves rethinking products, processes and services to move towards sustainable development. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)’s definition, Cleaner Production means the continuous application of an integrated, preventive environmental strategy to process  products and services in order to increase eco-efficiency and reduce risks to humans and the environment.

Jane Nyakago, a presenter working with Kenya Cleaner Production, said that it helps the business by reducing the consumption of raw materials and energy used in producing the unit.

She further said that cleaner production is a concern of service companies such as hotels, purchasing departments, medical and agricultural services.

Nyakago appealed to industrialists, bankers and the government for commitment in the formation of Cleaner Production in Rwanda.

James Ludigo, a presenter from Uganda Cleaner Production, said that cleaner production is a four-in-one tool encompassing management, economy, quality improvement and environmental tools.

REMA together with UNIDO and the government of Rwanda accepted to support the formation of Cleaner Production in Rwanda and hope to learn more from the Kenya and Uganda experience to achieve this.

The workshop that included members of Cleaner Production from Kenya and Uganda advocated for a big role that should be played by the private sector in protecting the environment.
