Time to reject Western arrogance

Editor, Reference is made to the article, “Kagame on terrorism: I am not threatening, I am warning” (The New Times, June 17).

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
The African Union Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. African leaders need to collectively say no to western patronising attitude towards the continentu2019s leaders and people. Net


Reference is made to the article, "Kagame on terrorism: I am not threatening, I am warning” (The New Times, June 17).

The arrogance of western governments is no longer tolerable. They do not hesitate to invade foreign nations and kill innocent civilians in the name of protecting their own, yet we can’t even protect ourselves when invaded by the so-called role models of democracy.

I love that President Kagame does not hesitate to speak his mind. Way to go Mr. President!

Shabaka, Canada


Every African leader would like to say what exactly President Kagame is saying but many of them lack courage. They are intimidated at the barking of a donor country or NGO. But President Kagame’s way is the right way—I believe so.

USA does the exact same thing. In the eyes of the West, Africans shouldn’t have courageous leaders who speak with boldness regarding matters of their sovereignty; well in Kagame, we defy that viewpoint.

David,  Rwanda

It is indeed about time we renounced Western arrogance. How do some countries think that they have all the rights to protect their own people but when it comes to Africans, and Rwandans in particular, we have no right whatsoever to protect our own people?

That is the way to go Mr. President!

Donna, Rwanda