Former prostitutes receive aid

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA—The Anglican Church of Rwanda, Kibungo Diocese has reaffirmed its commitment to help former prostitutes in Ngoma district.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


NGOMA—The Anglican Church of Rwanda, Kibungo Diocese has reaffirmed its commitment to help former prostitutes in Ngoma district.

This was announced recently by Hamilcar Fidele Tuyisenge the diocesan official in-charge of the programmes during a meeting held at the diocese.

About 50 former prostitutes in a cooperative society called "New Life Tugarurumuco” have been under going training in different skills for the past nine months at the diocese. The training which is yet to be completed takes 15 months.

The training equips trainees with Biblical teachings, Rwandan culture and tailoring skills. At least 12 of them were trained in tailoring.

Tuyisenge said that this was and is still being done to curb down the rate of HIV/AIDS spread in the country which he said is widely spread through prostitution.

Stressing that prostitution hinders development, Tuyisenge said: "We did this as a way of involving everyone in developmental programmes.”

He disclosed that they plan to get them loans to start small income generating activities after they have all completed the training.

The Diocese also plans to teach them literacy skills including reading and writing for illiterate members.

Tuyisenge called on all responsible citizens to fight prostitution in order to reverse the spread of HIV/ AIDS.

"Fighting AIDS is not the work of the government nor is it the work of one person only. It is the work of us all because it faces everyone,” he observed. 
