Huye gets new Vice Mayor

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE—Aloysie Nyiransabimana was yesterday elected as the new Huye district Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


HUYE—Aloysie Nyiransabimana was yesterday elected as the new Huye district Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs.

The post fell vacant early this year when Josephine Musabyimana, the then office holder was given a vote of no confidence by the District Advisory Council (DAC) over alleged incompetence.

In the elections held under secret ballot, Nyiransabimana polled 190 to beat her two rivals; Amina Nyirabakunzi and Winifrida Mukabera who got 50 and 31votes respectively.

The Electoral College was composed of members of the Sectors and district advisory councils. Huye is made up of 14 sectors.

Calling on support, Nyiransabimana, a graduate from the National University of Rwanda, in her acceptance speech promised to work towards the improvement of the social welfare of districts’ residents.

"With your support I promise to fully offer my efforts towards attaining better standards of living for our people,” said the youthful district official.

The successful election means that all the two senior positions that fell vacant early this year have been filled.

Vedaste Nshimyimana replaced Esperance Nyiraneza on the post of district Executive Secretary which had also fallen vacant after the sacking of Nyiraneza, by the DAC in its extraordinary meeting of May 16, 2008.
