Gitarama roads, houses to be named

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA—All roads in Gitarama town, Muhanga district will be named after prominent people and other cultural names, beginning September.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


MUHANGA—All roads in Gitarama town, Muhanga district will be named after prominent people and other cultural names, beginning September.

David Dushimimana, the district lands officer told The New Times last week, that the process that will also include demarcating and assigning numbers to households in town.

This according to him is meant to ease access to residents and simplify flow of information.

The  activity will be  processed  by  the district lands committees, local officials and technically assisted by Asecom-a communication and consultancy project, says Dushimimana.

Each household will be required to pay a fee of Frw1500 to facilitate the activity and the sensitisation to the effect.

Dushimimana explained: "the project is intended to have updated information on the number of houses and easy access of residents through a systematic database.”

He added that: "all the lands committee members have been sensitized on the programme and the next step is to mobilize residents to comply.”

The process will also indicate plot numbers on each residential area in the town center which will be supported by updated statistics on the members in each household.
Gitarama town has a population of over 55,000 residents and the numbers keep increasing each day.

The implementation of the programme however, requires upgrading of roads which have deteriorated and currently pose a big danger to increased road accidents in Gitarama town center, an issue Dushimimana admits.
