How abusing alcohol effects your overall health

SHE WAS a simple looking elderly lady who was being treated for high fever. Within 24 hours of hospitalisation, the fever subsided but she became agitated and slightly disoriented. 

Monday, June 16, 2014
Dr Rachna Pande

SHE WAS a simple looking elderly lady who was being treated for high fever. Within 24 hours of hospitalisation, the fever subsided but she became agitated and slightly disoriented. 

When enquired, her daughter told us that she was habituated to alcohol.  She was suffering from alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Actually when a person takes alcohol regularly, body cells gradually get habituated to alcohol. This creates physical and mental dependence. That is a situation when a person starts to develop a craving to drink alcohol and  in fact entire body yearns for it. 

If alcohol is not consumed within 12 to 24 hours, symptoms of agitation, irritability,  bizarre hallucinations begin along with tremors of hands. These are mostly associated with lack of sleep. An individual may develop one or more or all  of these features. 

Some people try to give up but are unable to do so because of the strong craving and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. They give up for some days then resume drinking  for a short while and then stop again. This type of intermittent drinking leads to more severe withdrawal syndrome.  

Alcohol also deprives the body of many essential nutrients. The resultant malnutrition leads to weakness and sense of fatigue. This adds to irritability of the person.

The severity of the symptoms depends on the mental make up of a person, their life style,   duration of drinking and amount of alcohol they have been drinking. 

Alchohol prevention

A very strong willed person  can  get over the withdrawal fast by disciplining their mind. They will not suffer more than two to three days. Whereas, a weak minded soul may succumb to symptoms  hopelessly.  They may need hospitalisation, for surveillance and better management. 

To prevent such sorry state of affairs,  it is best to quit alcohol early. If one continues and becomes an addict, there is no turning back to a good quality life soon. 

Because, apart from  the risk of withdrawal on quitting later, alcohol affects body in many ways adversely.

Sedatives and tranquilisers are used  to help cure insomnia and overcome the uncomfortable symptoms produced due to withdrawal.  Sedatives have to be used in injectable form or in higher doses because they are not effective in low doses in somebody habituated to alcohol.  

Surveillance is needed to see that the individual does not fall prey to the habit again. 

Apart from these measures, it is very important to give attention to the nutrition of an alcoholic who has quit drinking after a long time.

 Supplements of B.complex, particularly thiamine and folic acid are given either in tablet or injection form as per the requirement. The person is also provided with calories, other vitamins and proteins.

If suffering from any damage to stomach or liver or nervous system due to chronic alcohol abuse, that is also taken in to consideration and treated. 

Counseling of the person is done to reinforce the idea that drinking is bad and he should not restart it.

Dr Rachna Pande is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hospital