Breakfast at Ninzi Hill Hotel

Apparently there is more to the Ninzi Hotel in Kacyiru than the ample off-street parking with its usual fleet of tourist trucks.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Apparently there is more to the Ninzi Hotel in Kacyiru than the ample off-street parking with its usual fleet of tourist trucks.

We were there on Wednesday morning for breakfast –breakfast that almost turned into a feast, but more on that later.

Ninzi is a mid-range town hotel popular with fly-in tourists, particularly those on short stay –a fact that is made evident by the almost permanent presence of those elegant green tour trucks in their parking lot.

Obviously, it is the Bed and Breakfast facility that draws the crowds here. They have rooms that we did not check out because we just wanted a quick morning bite, but going by a sample of online customer reviews, it was hard to rank them.

Back to the breakfast, it took the standard 30 minutes for it to arrive –we had ordered for omelette and fresh juice –the juice arriving earlier. Immediately our plates were opened, what stared back at us were two of the biggest omelettes I have ever had to handle.

If you know the king-size pizza, then you have a picture what I’m talking about. And needless to add, we unanimously agreed to share one and have the other packed. The omelette is made up of four eggs, tomato, chicken, ham, and potato chips.

The breakfast goes for Rw f 5,000, which must absolutely worth it for its caliber of clientele.

The hotel is a popular venue for lunch and breakfast hook ups and meetings – and this must have something to do with the hotel’s prime location.

And the best part about Ninzi Hotel is the outside terrace, to your right as you walk in. The terrace hosts a bar counter, usually patronized by sedentary drinkers hooked on foreign football channels.

The tourists on other tables I glanced at seemed to enjoy their soups as they worked their laptops. They have vegetable soup, fish soup, mushroom, chicken, ranging from Rw f 2,000 -4,000.

Their salads go for Rw f 2,500 -4,500, and there is the mixed salad bowl, classic chef’s, nicoise salad, and avocado vinaigrette. Main course are dominated by chicken –with the flagship chicken Maryland going for 6,500, tarragon chicken, and chicken in peanut sauce, all at Rw f 5,500.