Villagers have always been inspirational

Editor, MR. KEBONGO is not the only one who, back from many years in “civilised” countries, finally found true life inspiration from our heroes, back in our native villages.

Friday, June 13, 2014


MR. KEBONGO is not the only one who, back from many years in "civilised” countries, finally found true life inspiration from our heroes, back in our native villages.

As you say it so well, all is a matter, first, of focus on real things and not on other people’s chimera. Village people are very pragmatic people.

Second, a matter of adopting the villager’s wisdom of, for instance, not eating unknown and unproven foods that may cause stomachache, among many other possible ailments. Lucid and calculating caution in every move — that is the way of village people.

And third, a matter of emulating villagers’ legendary obstinate determination to go straight to the only true ultimate goal in life: looking for a better life.

Thank you for bringing up this highly instructive case, reminding us of all those modest and denigrated heroes! Nonetheless true heroes!

Francois-Xavier Nziyonsenga, Montréal, Canada

Reaction to the story, "The villager who inspired me” (The New Times, June 13)