Watch how you groom that hair

UNTIL A month ago, I had not visited a barbershop for more than a year and a half. Not that I used to cut my hair from home, I had let it grow.

Friday, June 13, 2014

UNTIL A month ago, I had not visited a barbershop for more than a year and a half. Not that I used to cut my hair from home, I had let it grow.

So when I sat on the barbers seat a month or so ago, I had to remember a few rules I used to go by while at the barber’s.

The thing with barbers is that there are more than just hair stylists, at times they double up as shrinks and can make good spies as well.  When you take their seat, they slowly artistically begin to probe you on your work, family, and affairs among other things. They give free advice as well and if you are friendly to them, they might give you the latest gossip on the streets.

More than anything, barbers do not like it when you ‘cheat’ on them, if you are a regular and go elsewhere else for a haircut, they will notice and won’t be happy. If you want top services from your barber, practice faithfulness and be loyal.

The barber will get used to how you want your hair trimmed and what is not good for you.

If you are a grown man with a job that doesn’t involve arts such as dancing or rapping, embrace simple hairstyles. Mohawks and crew cuts only look good on footballers but not good on you, if you are trying to impress a lady at work (unless she is a hippie).

The phrase everything is acceptable in moderation but excess ruins it, is true when it comes to hair oil, there is nothing impressive or manly about a scaly scalp but there is nothing impressive about hair dripping with oil. A good way to know if your hair is too oily is by running your hand over it, if it is very shinny, something is not right.

It is good to have regular intervals of haircuts; it enables you to maintain a regular length of hair and makes it easy for your barber to trim it.

Dyes are acceptable as long as they are quality and regular, if you have to dye your hair, make sure you do it regularly so that it comes off as your hair’s natural colour.

Conditioners and shampoos do not hurt, for a long time it was manly to have rough untreated hair, but a conditioner once in a while won’t hurt, just don’t tell your boys about it.