Farmers challenged on innovation

The Minister for Agriculture, Dr Agnes Kalibata, yesterday urged farmers to embrace innovation in order to boost food production in the country. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Agriculture minister Dr Agnes Kalibata, gives an award to Nteziryimana Vedasten from SORWATHE,at the just concluded agricultural show.T.Kisambira.

The Minister for Agriculture, Dr Agnes Kalibata, yesterday urged farmers to embrace innovation in order to boost food production in the country. 

Kalibata was speaking at the  end of the annual agricultural expo in Gasabo District. She  told farmers that the exhibition sought to introduce farmers to better practices that would ensure food production even in dry seasons. 

"Our main aim is to show farmers that there are ways to increase food production even during drought. They should invest in new irrigation technologies which are affordable as we have seen in this expo,” Kabalita said.

The Minister further called upon farmers to diversify activities and venture into areas like the fish industry.

"The water we have in this country can be used to generate more fish ponds. With a high production of fish, we shall also be able to venture into production of fish feed,” she added.

The one-week expo attracted over 5,000 people and 100 exhibitors (local and foreign) from 11 countries that included, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, India, France, USA, Swaziland and Rwanda.

 At the closing ceremony, several exhibitors were recognised. 

Those that were awarded for innovation include SORWATHE, a tea production and processing company, Hinga Volcanoes Seed Promotion Company that deals in Irish potatoes, Kenya Seed Company, dealers in hybrid seeds, demonstration farms and irrigation systems among others. 

Also awarded were individual farmers in different categories.

The expo also saw the launch of a campaign dubbed "Shisha Wumva,” aimed at promoting milk consumption from the current average of 40 litres consumed by an individual Rwandan per year to 80 litres. 

Domina Mukarwasa, one of the participants said the exhibition will help farmers get market for their products. 

"It is good because we usually have trouble getting milk for our children but courtesy of the campaign, we will see an increase in milk supply,” Mukarwasa said.  

Jean Paul Mbazumutima, who spoke on behalf of the exhibitors appreciated government’s efforts in agricultural investments and called for further sensitisation on agricultural mechanisation. 

Participants and farmers were urged to put into practice what they learnt and share their skills as well.