EWSA should stop the blame game

Editor, THE PUBLIC needs to know what is being done to cover the 30,000 cubic metres deficit of water per day and what is being done to cater for Kigali’s ever-growing population and corresponding water needs.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


THE PUBLIC needs to know what is being done to cover the 30,000 cubic metres deficit of water per day and what is being done to cater for Kigali’s ever-growing population and corresponding water needs.

This did not come as a surprise I believe, the city has been growing in broad daylight but Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) was sleeping on the job. Therefore, do not use the dry spell as a scapegoat; come rain in September, we shall not have ample water either. Do we use rain water?

John, Rwanda

Reaction to the story, "Use water sparingly, EWSA urges” (The New Times, June 11)