Kudos to Rwanda Military Hospital

Editor, Refer to the story titled Military hospital upgrade to include Rwf1.8bn VIP wing (The New Times June 10)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Refer to the story titled Military hospital upgrade to include Rwf1.8bn VIP wing (The New Times June 10)

Great news, given that Rwanda Military Hospital is already known to have some of the best doctors in the country, let’s hope that these developments will help attract even more resources to improve treatment and care.

We want to see the military hospital become a reference not only for our national healthcare facilities, but also for others at the regional level.

Diyana, Rwanda


Most people are excited when things are done by our Defense Forces because of their commitment to serve their nation. 

But it’s important to note that buildings in the medical field matter less than the technical know-how and thus the call to the Military Hospital to maintain their momentum to this effect so as not to be like some hospitals which have good physical infrastructure but with poor customer care associated with very cumbersome procedures (paper work) before getting the required treatment and wrong diagnosis and/or treatment among other inefficiencies.

 We trust our Military hospital will not take that route.

George Mukunzi, Rwanda


It is important to congratulate those who deserve it: I think the first to congratulate is Dr Col Ben Karenzi who always makes a difference wherever he is. Good actions never fail to be hailed!!

We hope you continue to inspire Rwandans to do good and always good. Be blessed abundantly.

Second, I think it is important to congratulate the military medical personnel. Most of them are an example of dedicated human beings. May God continue to bless and guide all of you.

Aline, Rwanda