Emancipation: What is the fate of Rwandan men?

Editor, IT IS heartening to see the progress women in Rwanda have made. School enrollment for girls is higher compared to that of their opposite sex; and the Parliament is dominated by women. 

Monday, June 09, 2014


IT IS heartening to see the progress women in Rwanda have made. School enrollment for girls is higher compared to that of their opposite sex; and the Parliament is dominated by women. 

One is left to wonder what will befall the poor "men” come the year 2020. Rwanda has become very woman-making women more powerful but leaving men to fend for themselves.

The problem is that men will resort to violence against women, including deadly violence. Divorce rates will skyrocket as there will be too many masters in the same house.

Women emancipation is good but that comes with high expectations. I am not talking about child rearing. I am talking about women proving that they have all it takes to be as equally or more productive than their male counterparts. It means women going to the front line in combat. It means women graduating from universities in large numbers.

Michael Rwiyamilira, California, United States

Reaction to the story, "Beijing declaration: How did Rwanda perform?” (The New Times, June 7)