Fix public transport problems once and for all

Editor, THIS IS in reference to the story, “Kigali gets more public transport buses” (The New Times, June 6)

Friday, June 06, 2014
People line up to board a bus at the stop near Kigali Central Prison. File.


THIS IS in reference to the story, "Kigali gets more public transport buses” (The New Times, June 6)

When Rwanda Utilities and Regulatory Authority (RURA) and the City of Kigali mooted the idea of introducing city buses, I was sceptical and hugely concerned about the fate of passengers. I say this because the smaller taxis used to do the job efficiently, even if it was somehow chaotic.

But when I read this article in the morning, it reminded me that RURA, the City of Kigali as well as bus companies are doing everything to take this organised city to the next level. If the trend continues like this, I bet that very soon the problems of public transport in Kigali will be history. 

The situation gets worse and frustrating during peak and off-peak hours. People wait for buses under the scorching- the situation is pathetic and unbearable. Those who aren’t lucky to get the buses have to walk home during the night.

Problems are still there, but I am glad that they are constantly being tackled by the respective institutions.

We need those institutions to keep on pushing bus companies to fulfill their duty of solving the public transport dilemma in Kigali.

We don’t want to see people standing helplessly at bus stops waiting for cars that will never come; we can’t wait to see students being swiftly rushed home as soon as they come out of school so that they have ample time to do their homework and bond with parents.

With the expected new buses, I have confidence that pending transport problems will be tackled sooner than later.

Mutara Intore, Rwanda