Fire breaks out in Akagera

Fire broke out Friday in Akagera National Park in the Eastern province, destroying vegetation according to the park warden Robert Komire. No property was damaged.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Last year four park staff members were killed in fires (File photo)

Fire broke out Friday in Akagera National Park in the Eastern province, destroying vegetation according to the park warden Robert Komire. No property was damaged.

The fire was contained by the park staff and soldiers from the Gabiro army training school. Komire explained that timely intervention helped to minimise damage.

Speaking to The Sunday Times by telephone, Komire said that they suspected the fire was started by poachers.

"The prime suspects are poachers because [the fire] was within the interior of the park,” Komire said.

Komire said that they suspect the poachers started the fire to divert the attention of the game wardens giving them the opportunity to poach.

Komire ruled out the possibility of cattle keepers near the park being responsible. At press time, no suspects had been arrested.

Last year park fires claimed the lives of four members of the park staff.

According to Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Parks (OTPRN), this is the first fire since the beginning of the dry season a period traditionally characterised by fire outbreaks.

Fidel Ruzigandekwe, the director of wildlife in ORTPN, told Sunday Times that the organisation has stepped up efforts to sensitise the local community around the park about the dangers of starting fire. 

"We have been engaging the local communities to show them that fire is detrimental to them also.”

He emphasised that they will continue to monitor the activities around the park to prevent such incidents.
