Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia,I am a married woman and a mother of three. My elder sister is a divorcee and a mother of five. I love my sister very much, but she has a tendency of breaking other people’s relationships.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,
I am a married woman and a mother of three. My elder sister is a divorcee and a mother of five. I love my sister very much, but she has a tendency of breaking other people’s relationships.

She came to visit us five months ago and left my house on fire, because of the things she told my husband in my absence - all fabricated lies.

I don’t know why she wants to break my marriage, its not the first or second time for this to happen. What do I do? I love my family very much I am doing all it takes to keep it together but my sister is fighting very hard to break it.

Dear Solange,
Don’t let her words and actions break your family that you so much love. Her actions indicate how unhappy she is with herself.

You should love her as your sister and wish her well and don’t let her words affect you, for as long as you just keep a distant with her.

Your sister is behaving like a wounded dog, since she is no longer in marriage; she is very bitter and intends to spread her bitterness to other people and break their marriages.

She should be told off about her behavior, if you know the way she behaves why do you encourage her to visit you?

Such people have so much venom, that they just poison any happy looking person they see regardless of their relationship with that person.

It is better to be safe than sorry, there is no compromise when it comes to your marriage and saving your family.

Your sister needs to be shown the door as soon as she comes to your homestead, she is not a person worthy to be welcomed. Just imagine her saying all the fabricated lies to your husband; do you know what she can do to you, when given a chance?

It is very unfortunate that our own siblings turn out to be our enemies, when it should be quite the opposite.

Your sister has no sisterly instincts so she is better left alone, do what it takes to protect your family.
