Ten common diet mistakes

1. crash dieting When people want to lose a couple of kilogrammes for a special event or a holiday, many turn to crash diets – such as the cabbage soup or grapefruit diet.

Monday, June 02, 2014

1. Crash dieting

When people want to lose a couple of kilogrammes for a special event or a holiday, many turn to crash diets – such as the cabbage soup or grapefruit diet. It may work in the short term, but it will hinder weight loss in the long term. Losing weight over the long term burns off fat. Crash dieting or fasting not only removes fat but also lean muscle and tissue. So in the long term your metabolic rate will slow down. And when you finish the diet, your body will need fewer calories than it previously did, making weight gain more likely once you stop dieting.

2. Losing track of what you have eaten

It’s easy to forget about the snacks that we eat during the day, so try and be realistic about what you’re eating. Eating a small slither of cake in the office doesn’t mean that you always have to deny yourself treats, but you should learn to limit these foods to small quantities or just for special occasions.

3. Skipping breakfast

Missing breakfast is a big mistake when you’re trying to lose weight. It’s important to start the day by eating a hearty healthy breakfast because it boosts your metabolism. Your metabolism will slow throughout the course of the day, so it’s better to eat a greater percentage of your daily intake at the beginning of your day. Also by skipping breakfast, you will be left hungry for the rest of the day, thus eating a larger lunch.

4. Not including exercise

When you are not exercising, you are relying on your diet alone. By exercising as part of your diet regime, this will allow you to eat more of the things you like and still lose weight. And the more exercise you do, the more calories you will burn. If you increase the amount of exercise, but maintain the same diet and calorie intake, you will certainly lose weight.

5. Portion distortion

Unfortunately, many of us eat bigger portions than we need. When serving up your meals, your hand can be a great way to measure your food intake. Proteins, such as meat or fish, should be the size of your palm. A single serving of carbohydrates should be a handful and vegetables and salads should fit into two closely cupped hands.

6. Drinks contain calories too
Although it’s important to drink plenty of water when you are trying to maintain a healthy weight, don’t overlook the calorie content of fizzy drinks. They will add significant calories to your diet without you realising it. Also watch out for fruit juices and certain coffees. A large latte can contain as many as 300 calories, and if you make it a mocha, it could be as many as 600 – or a third of your daily calorie allowance.
7. Weighing yourself too often
Although it can be encouraging to see how much weight you’ve lost, doing it too much can be frustrating and can make weight loss harder. Weight loss on a successful diet is usually slow and gradual. Women’s weight can fluctuate during their menstrual cycle due to water retention. If you’re regularly doing an exercise, such as weight training, you’ll be building up lean muscle tissue, which is a must for weight loss. But weighing scales can be misleading because muscle is heavier than fat.
8. Fat-free isn’t low calorie
‘Low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ does not always mean low calorie or calorie-free. Extra sugars and thickeners are often added to boost flavour and texture, so calorie content may be only a bit less or the same as standard products. Foods labelled low-fat should contain no more than 3g of fat per 100g.
9. Limiting low-fat/fat-free foods
There’s a common myth that cutting out all fat will help you lose weight. But the body needs fat for energy, tissue repair and to transport vitamins A, D, E and K around the body. There’s no need to follow a fat-free diet.
10. Not snacking at all
It’s a mistake to think that you’ll lose weight by cutting out all of your snacks – but make sure the snacks that you do eat are healthy ones! People who snack throughout the day keep hunger pangs at bay, increasing energy levels and boosting their metabolism.
Quick tip: Make sure you enjoy smart snacks.
• Nuts are packed full of protein and fibre, and are a rich source of vitamins B6, E and folic acid. They are high in calories, so a small handful should be enough to keep hunger pangs at bay.
• Dried apricots, dried and fresh fruits, oatcakes or rye crackers make a great snack because they are all low on the glycaemic index (GI), providing slowly released energy into our bloodstream rather than a quick sugar rush that soon dips, leaving us feeling hungry again.