Every country has obese people

Editor, REFERENCE IS made to Kenneth Agutamba’s article, “Is obesity a rich man’s problem?” (Sunday Times, June 1).

Monday, June 02, 2014


REFERENCE IS made to Kenneth Agutamba’s article, "Is obesity a rich man’s problem?” (Sunday Times, June 1).

Your point is well taken but not supported by the statistics you cite. Countries like China, Russia, and the United States may have a lot of people who are obese...but they also have a lot of people, period.

It’s normal and expected that for that reason alone the number of obese people in these countries would be high. A more relevant statistic would be number of obese people per capita.

That would provide an apples-to-apples comparison between countries and would have more convincingly supported your argument that the obesity problem is worse in rich countries than poor ones.

The argument is solid and undoubtedly true but not supported by your statistics.

Chris, Rwanda